Friday, 26 July 2013

Unbreakable bonds

“Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can; and common sufferings are far stronger links than common joys.”
Two men, two stories, both stories become one and turn into one story that greatly gets me thinking and affects my life. This story is probably a story you have heard or seen in a movie before, names changed of course.

Salvatore, a multi billionaire. He was plump, wore the finest of clothes and almost bald but he could captivate you with his charm and poise. His attitude was arrogant yet prudent and his mind was black yet white. He was the owner of a hospital …the best hospital in Manhattan. He achieved a lot in his young age and soon, he had a chain of hospitals all over the world. Nobody had ever heard of his family and all that he enjoyed for his pleasure was a new attractive young lady each week and the aroma and taste of the rarest brewed coffee.

The other man was Richard Dickson. He was a man all of 59. Pepper grey hair, tall, freckled, an African-American and a library, literally. He was a storehouse of knowledge. If knowledge could ever be produced, reproduced or harvested he would be the manufacturing powerhouse. He could tell the entire timeline of an event, the inventor of any material thing or the answer to any mathematical or scientific puzzle. He was an average middle class man who had a beautiful wife and three children who had grown to be a beautiful lady and gentlemen. He worked in a garage to make his two ends meet.

One bright spring morning in March, turned out to be the gloomiest day of the lives of these two men. They both were detected with brain cancer, last stage, numerous cycles of chemotherapy to add time and eventually a horrible death. The irony of this entire situation was the owner of the hospital was admitted in a twin sharing room of the same hospital that he owned.

However funny it sounds, these two men, complete opposites as they were, hated each other. Arrogance and humility obviously never goes hand in hand, but then they grew to adjust, like and eventually love each other. They laughed together, played cards together and often cried together wondering what is left of their life. Richard loved to scribble and everyday Salvatore saw him scribble on a piece of paper and throw it. One morning when he woke up he saw the piece of paper and out of sheer curiosity he saw three words written, neat and crisp. “The bucket list”. Under it was a list of things that seemed rather bizarre to Salvatore like helping a stranger, climbing the Himalayas etc. Just then Richard woke up to see a wondering Salvatore with his yellow crumpled piece of paper. He told him to give it back to him but when Salvatore persisted Richard told him that it was a list of things that he wants to do before he dies and he keeps making new ones.

That day was a bright new awakening for the two of them. Salvatore his adventurous self penned down other things like Sky diving, staying the night in a pyramid and drinking till he can’t remember. Richard laughed to Salvatore’s idea thinking they were almost impossible but they made it happen. The list had “Helping a stranger”, “Laughing till I cry”,“Sky diving”, “Climbing the Himalayas”,” Going to the Taj Mahal”, “exploring Egypt” etc. They had just 3 months to live; they went against the entire world to live their dreams. They sky dived and traveled and drank and danced and that’s when, in the first time of their lives felt alive, happy and living. One day Richard’s wife called Salvatore and told them to return with a lot of pain and agony and that’s when Salvatore realized the value of his family. He returned back to Manhattan with Richard. Richard finally decided to spend the last few days with his wife as falling in love was a thing he hadn’t felt in a long time and he wanted to fall in love with her all over again. They hugged and kissed as if it were the last time but unfortunately it was. One day his wife decided to surprise him by wearing the most stunning dress she had when she met him for the first time. He waited for her to get ready and gorgeously stroll across the room and into his arms. She came dressed and pretty to make it a night to remember and saw him lying on the floor and she knew the end was near. She rushed him to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Salvatore went to meet his long lost daughter who he had broken all relationships with because she married a man from a way lower class that they were at.
He apologized to her and he told her that he loves her the most. They cried together and hugged and the moment felt like an entire lifetime he had missed. He realized that in making money he had forgotten about things that gave him a lot of happiness!

Salvatore went to meet Richard in the hospital and they spoke about their good times and laughed so much they cried. One more thing was striked off the list. They both told each other how thankful they were for having each other and the last 3 months were the most beautiful months of their lives. Richard was soon taken in for a surgery and that was when his body gave up. He died but he had lived and it was one of those few times when a person’s eyes were close and heart open.

On his funeral Salvatore spoke about how dear Richard was and how much he had changed him and his life and that is when he striked off “Helping a stranger on the list”, because they both had helped each other in ways they never knew. A month later Salvatore succumbed to the cancer but the bond always remained, and the bond is such that it makes a young girl wonder how important it is to live our life to the fullest.

Finally Salvatore’s daughter and Richard’s wife climbed the Himalayas with the remains of their ashes and buried it at the peak because they always wanted to be in the cool to have a beautiful after life. That is when she scribbled off the last point which was “to climb the Himalayas”.

Two lives that perished but a bond that will stay forever. The unbreakable bond.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Men & Women

Today I write about men and women,

About men who think they dictate the world,
And women who think they’re weak,
About women who think that husbands are gods,
Women who think they’re meek.
I write about men, who love her body more than her soul,
I write about women, who carry their hearts as if it has a hole,
Women who keep it all within their heart, and carry the burden around,
And when he sleeps they tiptoe so that they don’t make a sound.
The men who hit and fight and hurl abusive worlds galore,
But the woman decides her destiny is nothing but more.
The woman is weak I feel,
When she sits at home by the fireplace,
She cries her heart away,           
He comes and a smile she fakes.
She cooks and feeds and washes and weeps,
But then joins him in his bed,
She satisfies him again once more and the smile is still there.
She wakes up and she’s spoken to,
As if she was a curse,
But she smiles that they were words,
They could have been worse.
Her life passes and one day she’s lying in her grave,
Her man talks about their love in a manner so charming and suave.
Oh, this woman is the weak one,
The one that is silent and calm,
She should actually be like a flaming forest!
Like a loud fire alarm!
The one that screams and shouts in pain,
The one that hits back and fights,
The one that feels her being in the world
Is more than just a kite.
A kite whose string is in the hands of a man,
Who thinks he’s full of strength and might.
She should be a woman of class,
A woman who knows how to vent,
A woman who can walk upright,
She need not slouch and bend.
A woman that leads that walks side by side of the man,
The woman who doesn’t dominate but feels like a part of the human clan,
She doesn’t need protection if there’s nobody to hurt,
All she needs is a place where she doesn’t feel like dirt.
Where she isn’t looked at, as a vagina that talks,
She wants to be seen as a woman,
Who thinks and dreams and walks.
Don’t be the weak woman, who is tired weeping and pale
Be the passionate loving dynamite who can position her own sail.
Because there are men in this world,
Who are actually so kind, those deserve a strong woman,
The one that that has her own mind,
They want her to walk besides them,
Not a step behind,
Because men and women is what comprises of mankind.

Sunday, 7 July 2013



Lets quote:
“I don’t know if I will have the time to write any more letters, because I might be too busy trying to participate. So, if this does end up being the last letter, I just want you to know that I was in a bad place before I started high school, and you helped me. Even if you didn’t know what I was talking about, or know someone who’s gone through it, you made me not feel alone. Because I know there are people who say all these things don’t happen. And there are people who forget what it’s like to be sixteen when they turn seventeen. I know these will all be stories some day, and our pictures will become old photographs. We all become somebody’s mom or dad. But right now, these moments are not stories. This is happening. I am here, and I am looking at her. And she is so beautiful. I can see it. This one moment when you know you’re not a sad story. You are alive. And you stand up and see the lights on the buildings and everything that makes you wonder. And you’re listening to that song, and that drive with the people who you love most in this world. And in this moment, I swear, we are infinite."

Yes, It was a big day. It was big not because of the beautiful black robes and hats. 
It wasn't big because of the certificate or the trophies.
 It wasn't big because we were done with college. 
It was big because it was a day that connected the history and the future.

The past and the coming is what made it so worthwhile.
It was the people we met, the lessons we learnt.
It was more about the exams we failed than the exams we excelled.
It was more about the Projects we did that make us proud of ourselves.
It is about looking through pictures and memories and seeing how we've grown up.
We see a change today. Something that brightened the sparkle in our eyes.
It was the entire process. It was about scraped knees, falling off the bicycles and crying in school because we missed our mothers. It was about the Alphabet which changed into words and then into sentences. About sentences that taught us how to be meaningful. About syllables and words and speech and conversations and about art science geography and history. 
Its about the people who loved us. Its about people who hated us too. 
Its about best-friends made and lost and friends here and forgotten.
These years taught us about people and subjects and love and life. Its from zero to fifty. 
About petty crushes and Boyfriends that probably made us realize that Love is anything but mediocre.
About respect and inspiration.
It was about Projects. The ones we did heartlessly and the ones that actually made a change. 

Its not just an academic degree.
 It feels like a degree of change. To tell us that we've gotten somewhere and maybe we don't know where we're going, but we're on the way. 

Yes, This day is the Goddamn TIME CAPSULE. Its here, its beckoning, its moving swiftly past the seconds. Its taking us through the memories into the future. It is nauseating yet so pleasurable. 

And then there is the future that it connects us to.
The future is what brings fear. Uncertainty is so exciting. 
Uncertainty is what teaches me faith. The faith that its all going to be fine. 
There shall be days that will be hard but they will pass. 
There will be days that will be extraordinarily brilliant but those will pass too.
Faith is but a beautiful thing! 
One moment you're at a peak of a mountain and you decide to take a plunge because you know that the parachute will open once the free fall is over and it will take you too the plains, the sea or wherever you want to be.
This day needs us to have faith in our future in our tomorrow.

This moment is big because of its transition. Because its that moment where things will change and Change is beautiful! 

Graduation - Batch of 2013