Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Men & Women

Today I write about men and women,

About men who think they dictate the world,
And women who think they’re weak,
About women who think that husbands are gods,
Women who think they’re meek.
I write about men, who love her body more than her soul,
I write about women, who carry their hearts as if it has a hole,
Women who keep it all within their heart, and carry the burden around,
And when he sleeps they tiptoe so that they don’t make a sound.
The men who hit and fight and hurl abusive worlds galore,
But the woman decides her destiny is nothing but more.
The woman is weak I feel,
When she sits at home by the fireplace,
She cries her heart away,           
He comes and a smile she fakes.
She cooks and feeds and washes and weeps,
But then joins him in his bed,
She satisfies him again once more and the smile is still there.
She wakes up and she’s spoken to,
As if she was a curse,
But she smiles that they were words,
They could have been worse.
Her life passes and one day she’s lying in her grave,
Her man talks about their love in a manner so charming and suave.
Oh, this woman is the weak one,
The one that is silent and calm,
She should actually be like a flaming forest!
Like a loud fire alarm!
The one that screams and shouts in pain,
The one that hits back and fights,
The one that feels her being in the world
Is more than just a kite.
A kite whose string is in the hands of a man,
Who thinks he’s full of strength and might.
She should be a woman of class,
A woman who knows how to vent,
A woman who can walk upright,
She need not slouch and bend.
A woman that leads that walks side by side of the man,
The woman who doesn’t dominate but feels like a part of the human clan,
She doesn’t need protection if there’s nobody to hurt,
All she needs is a place where she doesn’t feel like dirt.
Where she isn’t looked at, as a vagina that talks,
She wants to be seen as a woman,
Who thinks and dreams and walks.
Don’t be the weak woman, who is tired weeping and pale
Be the passionate loving dynamite who can position her own sail.
Because there are men in this world,
Who are actually so kind, those deserve a strong woman,
The one that that has her own mind,
They want her to walk besides them,
Not a step behind,
Because men and women is what comprises of mankind.

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