Monday 29 April 2013

My mother taught me

Written for the mother on her 50th birthday :') My mother means the world to me :)  9/4/2013
The genre is Spoken-Word. Inspired by Sarah Kay.

One day I'll have a little daughter,

And ill teach her every thing  that my mother taught me,

Ill teach her that sorrow is important,
And life is not all about happy,
Because sorrow is what makes us value true happiness when it arrives,
Ill tell her that passion is the secret recipe to beauty
And there should always be a big sparkly reason for you to exist in this world
Ill tell my little daughter to love selflessly yet keep her self respect intact
And be wise yet be very humble
Ill collect little articles and make her read just like my mother does
And ill tell her that learning never stops with degrees and certificates
Ill teach her to cook a little and cook with a big dollop of love
Ill tell her to wash a little on days that she cooks
And ill tell her to weep a little because crying does make you stronger
Ill surround her with pretty flowers, trees and butterflies
Because these are the things one must actually value
 Ill teach her about the little things in life that give so much happiness
A kiss means a million more than a diamond and a hug a little more than a big wad of notes
Because one day the diamond will lose its charm and the wad of notes will soon be spent and forgotten
But the kiss and the hug will touch the soul and add a million bucks more to your life
Ill teach her that nobody is perfect and a crooked nose (If she inherits mine) does not take away the beautiful shine of her eyes
And don’t ever let you big wide eyes lose that shine
I might slap her a little while she goes on the big slides
And I might pull her ear while I teach her math
So that she faces her fears
Because life might have many more fears bigger than slides and math
Ill teach her to be emotional and fiercely expressive just like her grandmother
Because emotions , good or bad is what makes the journey worthwhile
Ill tell her to pick up a goal, or probably a hobby and give it her day and night , her passion, energy and hard work
Maybe her knees will pain and her elbows may twitch
But the happiness she gets from her job will replace no feeling in this world
Ill tell her to laugh obnoxiously loud at the silliest of jokes
Because one needs to make oneself happy at times,
Ill teach her
that being nice is the power of a woman,
And great power always comes with great love.
Ill teach her to be just like her grandmother. 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! Thank you very much to make me realize and know what i am:-))!! I love you the most<3.
